The 13 key factors that predict career success
Andreas Hirschi
Based on a review of the scientific literature on determinants of career success, our research team has identified 13 factors that are repeatedly confirmed as essential to achieve success. We call these factors "career resources" and they represent the four key areas of (1) Knowledge and Skills; (2) Motivation; (3) Environment; and (4) Activities. In a multi-step procedure, we have developed and validated a self-assessment that gives a person's individual career resources profile. This profile gives insights into the personal areas of strengths and weaknesses that can promote or inhibit career success.
We are excited to announce that you can now take the Career Resources Questionnaire for free and instantly obtain your own career resources profile on our website. Check it out!
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Hirschi, A., Nagy, N., Baumeler, F., Johnston, C. S., & Spurk, D. (in press). Assessing Key Predictors of Career Success: Development and Validation of the Career Resources Questionnaire. Journal of Career Assessment. doi: 10.1177/1069072717695584