Getting into the new job: Honeymoon, hangover, or learning to love?
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Expectations when entering a new job may be exceeded, met, or even disappointed. Accordingly, the development of attachment to a new job can see different trajectories across the first months in a new position. Researchers from the Netherlands and Belgium investigated the trajectories of organizational commitment of PhD graduates who had recently started their career.
The largest group of participants experienced high commitment from the beginning. However, others experienced a honeymoon-hangover pattern, with increasing commitment in the first two months, and then a gradual, slow decrease. One group showed a "learning to love" pattern, with low initial levels in commitment that gradually increased over time.
Solinger, O. N., Olffen, W. v., Roe, R. A., & Hofmans, J. (2013). On Becoming (Un)Committed: A Taxonomy and Test of Newcomer Onboarding Scenarios. Organization Science, 24(6), 1640-1661.